Miss K's Edtech

Technology - Connected Lesson Plan


While I've mentioned that there are alternative avenues for using what you already have in a classroom, I've now created the following lesson plan (lesson number #3 of roughly 4). This lesson plan could possibly be extended into a 6 week project if that is what you were looking at. However, for the purpose of this assignment I only created one of the lessons. The students use both Skype in the Classroom and Google Earth within an ICT class in order to discover their local community, Australian community and then a national community (by using Skype to connect with an overseas class). The students will discover and research landmarks of significance to Australia and their local community as well as explore the difference between their national identity and that of an overseas class. Below I have copies in both PDF and DOCX file for you to use at your discretion. Please note, I have written this lesson plan with a substitute teacher in mind should they need to come in and read it. If you feel this is a little extensive, please feel free to adapt to it as much as required.

File Size: 20 kb
File Type: docx
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File Size: 422 kb
File Type: pdf
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I have also loaded the lesson plan to Scribd for you reference if you would like to read it first: click here